The most frequently seen gastro intestinal diseases is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Both the small and large intestine are involved in this syndrome of disordered motility.

Symptoms of IBS/IBD:

In this disease the disordered mortality i.e. accompanied by pain, usually in the lower abdominal area, and constipation alternating with diarrhea. The pain is usually relieved by the passage of either small diameter stools varying consistency or gas and mucus.  The symptoms, which may be chronic or recurring at intervals, are usually triggered by anxiety producing periods of stress from Typically patients will have little insight into their disease and regard their altered bowel have its stool size as being the cause of their discomfort. The disease subsides as the stress situation is relived.

Causes of IBS/IBD:

Unknown but related to the patient reaction to stress that induces changes in the motility pattern of the intestinal tract.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) -

This disorder is also known as spastic colon, irritable colon, mucous colitis, and spastic colitis.

Inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD) -

In this disorder in which the intestine becomes inflamed. Has often been thought of as an autoimmune disease. Two major types of IBD-- (1) esoteric disease (2) ulcerative colitis. 


unknown some agent or a combination of agent- bacteria, virus antigen- triggers the body immune system to produce an inflammatory section in the intestinal treat. Whatever causes it the reaction continues without control & damages the intestinal wall leading to diarrheaabdominal pain. 


Abdominal Cramps Pain, Diarrhea that may be bloody. Severs urgency to have a bowel movement, fever, weight loss, loss of appetite iron deficiency anemia, due to blood loss

Complications IBD

(1) Profuse intestinal bleeding from ulcers. 

(2) Perforation or rupture of the bowel. 

(3) Narrowing- called a stricture, obstruction of the bowel found in Crohn.

(4) Fistula perineal disease, disease in the fissure around the anus these conditions are more common in Crohn than in ulcerative colitis. 

(5) Toxic megacolon which is an extreme dilation of the colon that is life-threatening this is associated with more ulcerative colitis than Crohn disease. 

(6) Ulcerative colitis increases the risk of colon cancer. 

(7) IBD can also affect other organs like skin, arthritis, inflammation of eyes, liver, kidney disorder, bone loss.